F-18 Super Hornet
Design kit F-18 Super Hornet, designed for EDF 120 mm, possibly with an 80-120 N internal combustion turbine. Separation wings, ducted fan cover, battery cover and cabin. Building a simple model.
Technical details:
Length: 2100mm, Wingspan: 1400mm, Flight weight: 8-11kg.
CNC cut plywood parts, cabin, intake tubes and exhaust tubes and cockpit parts.
490 €

Stealth - Jet Phoenix
Stealth – Jet Phoenix, designed for single turbine 80-140N or 120mm EDF.
Simply construction, not need exhaust pipe.
Technical details:
Length: 2110mm, Wingspan: 1615mm, Flight weight: 8 -12 kg
The kit contains: cnc wood parts, intake tubes, scale exhaust nozzle, intake lips, front cone, scale parts of cocpit.
490 €

L 29 delphin
New build kit in scale 1/3,5, designed for jet turbine 200-250N, removable wings behind landing gears.
Technical details:
Length: 3120mm, Wingspan: 3000mm, Flight weight:
The kit contains: plywood parts, clear canopy, cocpit parts, intake inlets with outside shape, front cone, scale back cover of nozzle, aerobrakes.
preparing kit 4-5 weeks
1090 €

F 35
Classic wood construction of F 35, designed for 120-128mm EDF or 80N – 140N Turbine, lenght 2000mm, wingspan 1400mm. Flying weight about 8 kg.
Technical details:
Length: 2000mm, Wingspan: 1400mm, Flight weight: 8 kg
The kit contains: cnc wood parts, intake tubes, exhaust tube, scale exhaust nozzle, intake lips, front cone, scale parts of cocpit.
490 €

Mig 29 1/4,8
Mig 29 designed for two 160 – 250 N turbines. Classic wood construction, fuselage split on two parts, removable wings, rudders, elevons, front part. Kit contains : cnc plywood parts, clear canopy, intake tubes, cocpit parts.
Technical details:
Length: 3500mm, Wingspan: 2500mm, Flight weight: 30 – 35 kg
The kit contains: CNC cut plywood parts, cabin, intake tubes, tip tanks, cocpit parts, scale exhaust nozzles.
1350 €

Rafale turbine version
Build kit of Rafale designed for one turbine 60-100N. Removable wings and rudder. Fuselage split on two halfs for easy building on flat board/table.
Technical details:
Scale 1/7,8 Length: 1950mm, Flight weight: 8,5 -11 kg
The kit contains: CNC cut plywood parts, clear cabin, intake tubes, cocpit parts.
* free shipping Europe
490 €

Rafale EDF
Build kit of Rafale designed for two EDF – 100mm of diameter. Removable wings and rudder. Fuselage split on two halfs for easy building on flat board/table.
Technical details:
Scale 1/7,8 Length: 1950mm, Flight weight: 8,5 -11 kg
The kit contains: CNC cut plywood parts, clear cabin, intake tubes, cocpit parts.
* free shipping Europe
490 €

L 39 Albatros 1/5,5
Improved model of our first albatross, designed for 120mm EDF or 80 – 120N combustion turbine thrust. The model is based on a very precise 3D shape of the original. The model has a solid centre wing to store the undercarriage mechanics, behind them is the wing divided. Set on duralumin tube. The skeleton of the model is very sophisticated, made of polar and air birch plywood, offering plenty of support points for balsa finish. The building kit is simply and intuitive.
Technical details:
Length: 2100mm, Wingspan: 1600mm, Flight weight: 8,5 -13 kg
The kit contains: CNC cut plywood parts, cabin, intake tubes, tip tanks, cocpit parts.
* free shipping Europe
490 €

L 39 Albatros 1/3,5
Albatross 1/3.5 scale kit, designed for combustion turbine with a stroke of 160-220 N. Fittingly, it’s based on a smaller version of our proven model. Of course, the structure is brand new. The division of the model into individual parts is well visible in the images. The cockpit, pilots and chassis can be added also to the model. All made in the Czech Republic. The construction is already for more experienced modellers; however, the logic of the construction leads to intuitive construction, the parts are not interchangeable despite their large number.
Technical details:
Length: 3600mm, Wingspan: 2700mm, Flight weight: 22-30kg.
The kit contains: CNC cut plywood parts, cabin, tip tanks and cockpit parts
1090 €

EF 2000 1/8,5
EF 2000 1/8,5, designed for one 120mm EDF or 60 – 80N turbine. Removable wings. Kit contains: plywood parts, clear canopy, intake tubes, exhaust tubes, side containers, cocpit parts.
Technical details:
Length: 1850mm, Wingspan: 1250mm, Flight weight: 8,5-10kg
The kit contains: cabin, containers at the end of the wings, cockpit parts, nozzles and air brakes
* free shipping Europe
490 €

EF 2000 1/6
The kit is designed in two variants, single engine and twin engine. This model is divided into two halves, so it only builds on a flat table. The wings are separating in the area behind the storage of the chassis. The tip of the plane and the rudder can be also separated. Several scale parts from the 3D printer (blue in the picture) are prepared in the set, and the cockpit and custom-made makeshift chassis can also be prepared.
Technical details:
Length: 2500mm, Wingspan: 1850mm, Flight weight: 12-16kg
The kit contains: cabin, containers at the end of the wings, cockpit parts, nozzles and air brakes
850 €

EF 2000 1/3,7
Build kit of EF2000 in scale 1/3,7 (lenght 4300mm). Build kit is designed like as modular system. Airplane is split in some parts, every part is possible built on table in right geometry. After balsa covering (3mm of thickness) is prepare for glue together. Kit is cut from poplar and birch plywood. In set is also parts from 3D printer (PET-G, ABS). For this kit we produce scale cockpit, pilot, scale landing gear set. The plane was designed for two turbines 200-250N, fuel tank 15L, flyight weight between 70-90kg. Model was certified in Germany. It flies very well. Preparing kit is around 6 weeks.
Technical details:
Lenght 4300mm, Winspan 3500mm, Flight weight 65-90kg
2590 €

F 18 Hornet 120 EDF
Design kit F-18 Hornet, designed for EDF 120 mm, possibly with an 80-120 N internal combustion turbine. Separation wings, ducted fan cover, battery cover and cabin. Building a simple model.
Technical details:
Length: 2100mm, Wingspan: 1400mm, Flight weight: 8-11kg.
CNC cut plywood parts, cabin, intake tubes and exhaust tubes and cockpit parts.
* free shipping Europe
490 €

Saab Vigen
The kit is designed for EDF 120mm or 80-120mm internal combustion turbine.
Technical details:
Length: 1800mm, Wingspan: 1200mm, Flight weight: 7-10kg.
CNC cut plywood parts, cabin, intake tubes and exhaust tubes and cockpit parts.
* free shipping Europe
490 €

Mirage 2000V
Construction kit of Mirage 2000 V. Designed to EDF 120 mm, or combustion turbine 80-120N. There is a single seater and two-seater versions.
Technical details:
Length: 2100mm, Wingspan: 1600mm, Flight weight: 8,5-13kg
The kit contains: CNC cut plywood parts, clear canopy, intake tubes, inlet lips with restrictors, scale nozzle and cockpit parts
* free shipping Europe
490 €

Mirage 2000V 1/4,5
Mirage xxl 1/ 4,5, designed 180 – 250 N Turbine. Removable wings and rudder. Kit contains plywood parts, intake tubes, clear canopy, cocpit parts, scale nozzle.
Technical details:
Length: 3200mm, Wingspan: 2050mm, Flight weight: 25kg
The kit contains: CNC cut plywood parts, clear canopy, intake tubes, inlet lips with restrictors, scale nozzle and cockpit parts
950 €

SU 33
The model has functional cannards and functional aerodynamic brake behind the cabin. A 2x90mm EDF is needed for propulsion.
Technical details:
Length: 2000mm, Wingspan: 1380mm, Flight weight: 7,5-10kg
The kit contains: CNC cut plywood parts, clear canopy, intake tubes, exhaust tubes and cockpit scale parts.
* free shipping Europe
550 €

IL 28
The plane is a classic construction of 3mm poplar plywood and balsa cuttings. It’s designed for two 90mm EDF. Separating wings behind gondolas.
Technical details:
Length: 2000mm, Wingspan: 2400mm, Flight weight: 8-11kg.
The kit contains: CNC cut plywood parts, clear canopy, inlet, front canopy,
* free shipping Europe
490 €

EA-6B Prowler
EA-6B Prowler kit (length 3200 mm) for two 80-120 N internal combustion turbines. In addition to the kit, there will be an ensemble makeshift cockpit (elaborated).
Technical details:
Length: 3200mm, Wingspan: 2400mm, Flight weight: 20-25kg.
The kit contains: CNC cut plywood parts, clear canopy, intake tubes and cockpit scale parts.
2090 €

Avia B-135
The structural kit of our sophomore fighter. Designed to power a combustion engine of about 50ccm. Alternatively, it is possible to plant an electric motor.
Technical details:
Length: 1850mm, Wingspan: 2400mm, Flight weight: 10-13kg.
The kit contains: CNC cut-outs, cabin and cockpit make-up parts
* free shipping Europe
490 €

Avia B-35
The Czech WWII fighter. Designed to power a combustion engine of about 50ccm. Alternatively, it is possible to plant an electric motor.
Technical details:
Length: 1850mm, Wingspan: 2400mm, Flight weight: 8-12kg.
The kit contains: CNC cut plywood parts, clear canopy and cockpit parts.
* free shipping Europe
490 €

Galloping Ghost
Custom design originally with considered span of 2180mm. After cosultation with the customer, adjustment to a span of 3000mm. The intended engine is excellent Kolm IL 310. The original design is based on the proven P51 model.
Technical details:
Length: 3125mm, Wingspan: 3000mm, Flight weight: 12-16kg.